Saturday 17 August 2013

Sabbath Rest. Oh How I Love it!

Happy Sabbath to all of you! It was a nice and cool Sabbath for us today and my church has AC so it felt really nice. Pastor Tim drove us, (Danny, Riley, Roy and I) to Kitti today so we were a half hour late for Sabbath school. We had our own Sabbath School today in English and we had a really good discussion. Roy is very good at leading out! The entire church service was in Pohnpeian so Pastor Tim said we could read a Sabbath book or something during the church service. At the end of the service, someone summarized the sermon for us. 

On the way back to the school, the car in front of us signaled for us to stop along the road. A man came out of the car and said he saw the Adventist logo on the side of our van and wanted to ask if we would pray for his sister in law who was in the car who was very sick. She was in the front seat and not moving at all. It was really kind of scary. So we said a prayer for her and then went on our way. 

We ate lunch at Mr. Johnson's apartment today. He makes some of the best curry ever! He put on Veggie Tales to watch while we ate and we were very content. :) The afternoon was pretty lazy. We were in our hammocks and either reading or sleeping. We were awoken by Zach, Franky's son singing who made us get up and then go to Mt. Chicken Poop to go climb. And yes I am serious about Chicken Poop. Apparently, according to Pastor Tim, there's a legend that says a giant chicken created that mountain. Kinda funny! The mountain was SO STEEP. It took a while to get up there and it was very slippery. I was hanging on to plants on the way up to keep from sliding. The view from the top was amazing! There was still a huge rock to climb to the very top though. I was kind of scared to actually go up but Zach and Tony helped me find my footing and I made it to the top! Coming down was a little more scary because I couldn't see as well but I made it safely down. Now going down the muddy/grassy part, was scary! I was so scared for my knee but slowly, I made my way down. Pastor Tim carried my waterbottle and camera which made it so much easier to go down. Almost all the way down though, Pastor Tim slipped and started rolling down the hill! It was really funny to watch and he made it down just fine, still holding on to 2 cameras and 4 waterbottles! Impressive! We were all quite muddy and dirty! 

Mr. Betz made breadfruit in the oven tonight. It really wasn't that great but it was an experience! I enjoyed Kaylie's homemade tortillas and guacamole though! All in all, it was a great Sabbath. Hope all of you enjoys yours! 

Goodnight everyone! I am SO exhausted. 

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