Monday 19 August 2013

And Another Week Has Begun!

My second week of teaching has begun! Monday morning started off bright and early as usual. I have morning classroom duty which means that at 7:30, when everyone else goes to staff meeting, I go to watch the younger children who got dropped off early by their parents. We have flag raising every Monday in the gym and so I have to keep my Kindergartners lined up really nice and quiet. Usually, this is a major problem. But today, for some reason or another, they were quiet and for the most part, at attention! I was shocked and excited because I was thinking that "This is going to be such a cooperative day!" Well, although they were a little easier to handle than last week, these children can have the hardest time listening!! I know they're young and have a hard time focusing, but some of these children have the attention span of a gnat! I explain something to them, kneeling right in front of them at their desk, and they have no idea what I just asked them to do. Oh the frustration...

My kids are finally learning their shapes better though! The worksheet I gave them seemed to help a lot. At recess today, I got Amanda's jump ropes for my kids to play with. They went crazy with them! But, as expected, a girl, Haylee, fell and hit her head and elbow. So I took her to the office and got her a band aid. She was crying for a while, but it doesn't really take too much to calm down a little girl. :) My high school classes went well. Had a kid come in really late with no excuse so he didn't finish his lesson. Kind of frustrating.... Roy and I had fun making the high school boys exercise a bunch today! It really wasn't that hard, they just like to complain a lot. :) Haha. It feels good to yell at them and take out everything I had built up from teaching my kindergartners.

After school we had a staff meeting and then a PTA meeting. Oh the joy... The first hour of the PTA meeting was some people presenting the most boring presentation I have ever heard on the subject of... wait for it... cervical cancer. Yeah it was fantastic. (I hope you all can tell I'm being very sarcastic right now.) Then we had the actual PTA meeting which lasted about 45 minutes or so. We then went shopping for food and I bought some stuff for baking muffins because I really want some muffins!!

At Palm Terrace, the grocery store, there was a poor mangy kitten that looked like it had gotten thrown out of a car. Jen, Karyn, and Kim took action and bought cat food and baby shampoo and took the kitten in a box back to the apartments. I felt really bad for the kitty, but I didn't really want to bring the kitten in our apartment because we don't know what kind of diseases it might have! But they washed the kitten really good and gave it some food soaked in condensed milk and a bowl of water. The kitten looks much better and he is sleeping in the laundry room outside the apartment tonight. Oh, and his name is Lentil! I hope he turns out alright! Well my grading is done, so goodnight/ good day everyone! Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

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