Wednesday 21 August 2013

Almost Done with Week 2!!

Well today was definitely better than yesterday! I laid down some more rules in the classroom and the kids are getting the hang of it I think. For instance instead of yelling "Teacher! Teacher!" whenever they want something, I told them to raise their hands. And if they didn't raise their hands, I told them I would not answer their question until they did. I also made a bright pink sign and put in on the loft and told them that if the pink sign was up, they were not allowed to play there at ANY time. We'll see how this goes tomorrow. I was proud of them walking in line to the gym and back though! They were actually being more quiet than usual and for the most part, walked right behind me. The kids are doing a lot better on their shapes and listening to directions! It's really hard sometimes because some of the kids barely speak any english, so when I start giving directions, they start staring off into space.

My voice is definitely starting to go away. Constantly talking, shouting, and singing is really wearing down my throat! But, so far it's held up pretty well! I did a craft today where the kids colored and cut out fish and I also added some glitter glue to the craft that my mom had sent me. Oh the kids were fascinated! I don't think they had ever seen glitter glue before! My computer classes were going pretty good today! Until the power went out again... And it went out just as I was going to start taking down scores from the lessons the students had just done! Now they have to start that lesson over again which totally sucks! Boys PE, I definitely need a whistle! Roy and I can't shout anymore at these boys!

This afternoon, Jen and I went and watched the soccer game and did lesson plans and then we all came back and had week of worship. I then graded all my papers and put them in their folders, and now all I have left to do is finish my lesson plans. :)

Things are looking up! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Oh P.S. I would love to get letters and packages from you guys! ;)

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