Saturday 31 August 2013


Once again, I haven’t written in my blog for a while. The week days are much too busy! But now it’s the weekend and I have time to relax for a little bit. Wednesday was pretty un eventful. I had no voice again which made it very difficult to talk in class. Early warnings were due on Thursday, so everyone was grading, entering in grades, and getting yellow slips filled out. Early warning slips are for kids who have C’s or below in a class. Well, it’s not like Kindergarten can get those and everyone had A’s in computer class, so I helped grade papers and enter some in for people. I actually do enjoy grading older kids! Kindergarten is pretty much just effort so on goes a smiley face and I’m done! There are SO many kids who got early warnings in different subjects. It’s really mostly because a lot of kids choose not to turn in assignments. Then the teachers get blamed by parents because their child is not doing well in class. A lot of the SMs got talked badly to by parents.

Thursday was a pretty good day. I got most of my voice back by that point! Everyone was busy since they were handing out grades. It was the second to last day of Week of Prayer. The kids absolutely love singing. They do more shouting than singing to be honest, but they love it! I love that the kids are super happy when singing songs! At recess today, EJ, the kids who never speaks or plays at recess, or rarely laughs, played at recess!! He was having so much fun! Laughing and running everywhere! Since he is not used to running around, he fell asleep in chapel! He was so tired! 

Friday is definitely the best day of the school week!!!  It’s a half day, and we all get a break! On Fridays I quiz the kids on the memory verse of the week. I call each child up to my desk by pulling their name out of the popsicle stick jar. When they come up, they recite the memory verse, and get a sticker next to their name on the memory verse chart. Once they get 4 stickers, they get to pick a prize. This week’s memory verse was “Trust in the Lord, with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5. Almost all the kids knew it by heart!! (If they don’t know it, they do their best and I help them.)  EJ, has never spoken a word to me and since he won’t, I have him write out the memory verse twice on a piece of paper. Well he had to do it again on Friday, but out at recess, HE SAID HIS WHOLE MEMORY VERSE TO ME!!! I was SO excited!!! He was actually talking to me!!! When I called him up to test his numbers later that day, he actually spoke them to me! Now the only bad thing that happened on Friday, was one of my kids, JT, threw up at my desk. Poor little guy. L His mom had to take him home.

Sabbaths, oh how I love Sabbaths! The Paliker and Kitti churches were joined today so Jen, Amanda, Riley, Danny, Roy and I were the SMs there. Jonathan was supposed to come with us but I guess he forgot and went to Kolonia. Our church is nice and cool because we actually have windows and it keeps the cool air from the fans inside. But, when we were just starting church, the power went out. And it was HOT today. Thankfully it started raining so it cooled things down just a bit. Poor Danny was feeling awful and felt really sick in his stomach. So while we all had potluck, he laid down in the bus. Sabbath afternoon was really chill. I tried to take a nap, but it didn’t work very well. Some of us watched some Veggie Tales and then when the sun went down, we all had worship. After worship, some of us went out to eat at a place called Arnolds. Oh man. The food was very delicious!! I had a perfect size vegetarian pizza, and a piece of cheesecake! I am very full and happy right now! After getting back, Kim and I changed into gym clothes and went to gym night. It’s always crazy in there and tonight was no exception! They were playing a type of King of the Court for volleyball and my team was always all girls vs. all boys. We were terrible! Haha! The boys play really well and hit REALLY HARD! But it was still fun! J

Well goodnight/good day everyone! Sorry I haven’t really written in a while!

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