Thursday 15 August 2013

Oh Children.

Teaching is already getting easier! I think it helped having a parent or two less today. I am having a hard time with them paying attention though. I tell them instructions at LEAST 5 or 6 times and have them repeat them after me and still some have no idea what to do, even after many examples on the board. One girl has a major case of ADD. She cannot focus at all! The one boy who has never said a word in class finally said his first word today! I told everyone to get out their red crayon for an activity and when they got it out, to hold it high in the air so I knew they had them. I heard him yell "red!" and I got super excited because I thought it might be a breakthrough! But then he never said a word after that. Haha. Nor has he ever nodded yes or no. I have some children who are so much more advanced than some other kids so it's really hard to teach both sides. I'm really hoping things get easier. Math today was the hardest class ever. These children don't even really know their shapes! And I go up to their desk, kneel next to them, show them what to do, and do the opposite! I need to learn to have the patience of a saint!!

During their P.E/Recess time, I told my assistant to watch them while I go back to the classroom to finish something for the kids before class. After working at my desk for 5 minutes, Haylee, one of my little girls pops in the room, and comes up to the desk. I said, "Haylee! Why aren't you at the gym? Isn't Mrs. Jono watching you??" She says to me: "I've been looking all over for you teacher! I was just wondering where you went because we missed you!" SO CUTE. But I told her "Haylee, we need to go back to Mrs. Jono so she knows where you are okay?" So we head back to the gym and just outside the door, there was another one of my little girls, Starla. "Starla! What are you doing here??" She doesn't really speak so she just looked at me with big round eyes. I took them back to the gym and my assistant didn't even know they had left!

Well this afternoon was a lot better. My computers classes were pretty chill and hey, it's air conditioned. I can't complain! My principal Franky came to his first class today! He's really glad to be learning he said. P.E. after computers was fun. Roy was late for class so I made the boys run, do jumping jacks and pushups. At pushups, some of the boys said "Seriously Ms??" "Yes seriously!! And if I see your butts in the air, I'll make you do them over!" Come on. They were only 10 pushups! They worked on serves today and some couldn't make it over the net overhand so I said why don't you try underhand? They told me underhand was for girls. So I did one that just breezed over the net and they were like WOAH. Okay fine. So they tried them. Ha! I had fun. :)

This afternoon we got our stipends! MONEY!! We then went shopping for food which I treated myself to a large can of peaches to put in the freezer. So delicious! I've been working on my lesson plans for next week since. Riley definitely made my day by bringing me candy his parents sent him from home! He brought me caramels!! I've been missing those!! I think teaching is starting to get to us... my apartment is really hyper right now... But I need sleep!
Goodnight all! Keep me in your prayers!

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