Friday 9 August 2013

Feeling Blessed

Goodness I'm tired.. and we haven't even started teaching yet!! We had staff worship at 7:30 and then headed out to the capitol to meet with the President of Micronesia. How cool is that?! We weren't the only group there. There were other teachers and some people from the Peace Corps. He sat us in the conference room and said that he sincerely wanted to thank us from the bottom of his heart for coming to Pohnpei to teach. He himself was taught in a private school by volunteers and he is very grateful for the education he received. I think the President's thank you helped us remember that we are here in Pohnpei to help people learn about not only educational subjects, but also about God. Since our bus was being used, we took our trip to the capitol in a..... dump truck! Yes that's right. The 14 of us piled into the bright yellow dump truck and drove to the capitol. It was quite the trip!

After the capitol visit, we went to our classrooms and finished cleaning up. I'm nearly done, just need a few finishing touches before classes start on Tuesday. I have a loft in my classroom and it has a rug that looks about 100 years old. Thank goodness for Riley helping me. He took out the carpet and shook all the dust he could out and put it back. There was so much gross stuff I just did not want to deal with! Oh and guess who is going to be in my Computer class? None other than Frankie Edward, MY BOSS. Yeah you read that right. My principal is going to be taking my computer class to learn how to properly type. Gahhh. Talk about pressure much?!

We had dinner altogether tonight and while preparing the food, of course the power goes out. It's been doing that a lot lately. Campus wide and island wide. Kind of annoying actually, but whatcha gonna do? We went to the Kitti church for vespers tonight. It was a nice church! I'm glad it's my home church!  We had a lot of singing and Elder Edward spoke and told a story for worship. I very much enjoyed it. Danny, Riley, Roy and I get to go there tomorrow because we all go to our home churches.

I want to take a moment and say that even though I started late in fund raising for my trip here because of the late decision, God has made it that I not only made my goal of $3,400, I got $3,725!! How amazing is that?! Thank you SO much to everyone who donated and prayed for me! Thank you so much for your support! 

Happy Sabbath everyone!

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