Saturday 24 August 2013

Power Outages and Weekend Bliss

Well I haven’t been able to blog for a couple of days! Sorry about that. Things got crazy and the electricity doesn’t seem to like to stay on. Teaching, is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life. Instructing children in the simplest things can be so hard because they don’t know very much English! I explain things over and over and over and they still don’t understand!

Thursday was a crazy day. Lesson plans are due and every Friday, all the elementary teachers give each student in their class a folder with the work they had done through out the week for the parents, all graded and recorded. My grading as a Kindergarten and Computer teacher is really not that hard. I don’t have to record anything and my grading consists of checking if they did the worksheets right, and putting a smiley face or sticker on the paper. So since I have time after finishing my lesson plans and grading, I help other teachers grade if need be. On Thursday night though, the power was out for about 2 ½ hours so grading was just about impossible without light and so was cooking our dinners. So we just hung out and talked until the power came back on. When it finally did, we were able to eat dinner and finish our grading. I helped Riley grade a huge stack of papers in his classroom. And half way through, the power went out AGAIN. So until it came back on, we played with a big bouncy ball that lights up. My mom sent me about 10 of those and we had a lot of fun with them! We didn’t get to bed until around 11:30 because almost everyone was grading until then. I also didn’t go to the boys P.E. class I help Roy with on Thursday because I had a really big headache. My Kindergarteners were just CRAZY that day. I don’t know why but it was definitely a long day. So the boys asked where I was since I was not at class. Roy told them “You guys give her a headache so she’s laying down for a while.” They answered with “awhh.. Should we get her flowers?” Haha! Oh being a teacher can be entertaining. I also had a 2nd grader come to me and say “Ms., you are very beautiful.” That made me feel so happy inside!

Friday! Oh how I love Fridays! Fridays are half days and then we have the weekend!! My kids did pretty well on Friday. We went to chapel for the Pre K-3rd grade and my kids were very well behaved! (As well behaved as they can be anyway.) I was impressed! I even gave back their minutes of recess that they had lost. On Fridays, at 10:20 I go teach my two computer classes. Every time I go, the kids always ask Ms. C! Where are you going?? I tell them that I am going to go teach my computer class and they always ask when I am going to back. When I did get back, they were at recess. I immediately got hugged by a few kids and then got asked to push them on swings, help them on the monkey bars, to “look teacher look! Watch me!” After school, some of us went to the airport to go pick up the new SM. We waited for a while and then there was an announcement that the plane was delayed in Chuuk for 6 hours. So we went back and chilled, made some food, and then some of us went to go pick up Jonathan (the new SM) while the others headed to vespers. But, heading to the airport, Franky got a call saying the plane was delayed until 8. So we went to vespers. And then during vespers, Franky got a call saying the plane was delayed until 8:50. Man! He could not catch a break! By the time we actually got Jonathan, it was about 10:15. Goodness everyone, but especially Jonathan were really tired! Pretty much everyone went to my apartment afterwards to eat (mostly for Jonathan) and I went to the guys apartment to get some of my stuff. I ended up staying to talk to people and eating some pasta. But while we were talking after we ate, we heard a noise in the kitchen… and we looked up to find… a HUGE RAT! Oh my word I was scared for a minute! It ran through a hole in the wall under the sink. Gah I’m so glad I don’t sleep in that apartment!

Sabbath started off really rainy, but soon cleared up, as it always does. All of us SMs ate breakfast together in the boy’s upper apartment because the power was out at the girls’. We then all went to the Kolonia church where Mr. Quaile was doing the sermon. The Quailes are the in charge of the education department of Guam and Micronesia so they are visiting each school for a week. Mr. Quaile used to be the principal here in Pohnpei! The SMs had special music (which we were not very prepared for at all) and Mr. Quaile had the sermon. During the sermon service, the power went out TWICE and once after church! It’s been going out a lot more lately I’m not sure why. And that’s another reason I have not been able to blog lately. Too many power outages! The potluck after church was AMAZING. I love the local food here! Lots of fish, but I can always find vegetarian food. J

Sabbath afternoon, we just relaxed, talked with friends. We definitely all needed it because of the long crazy week. We never really have time to just sit for an hour anymore. After sundown, Karyn, Kim, Brooke, Caleb, Roy, Riley, Danny and I went out to eat at the Joy hotel and restaurant. I got a huge ramen bowl! I was expecting just a little bowl, but it was huge and pretty delicious! After getting back, some of us went on the roof of the school and star gazed. The skies here are SO beautiful. There’s not as much pollution, and not really any city lights and the skies were clear! Such a beautiful place!! J

Sorry about the super long post but I haven’t written in a few days!
Hasta Luego mis amigos!

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