Tuesday 20 August 2013

If Any of You Lack Wisdom...

Today, was a hard day for me. The teaching part of my day was really frustrating because the children would not listen to me. Every time I told them not to do something, they would do it anyway. Every time I told them to do something, they didn't do it. I know they are just kindergartners, but I still feel like I am being a good enough teacher. I try to make things fun, but they still get tired of doing things and don't want to listen to my instructions anymore. I prayed so often for help and wisdom. I read in the Bible today in my devotions James 1:5, which says: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
I definitely asked God for a lot of wisdom today! I'm hoping tomorrow goes better.

The kids are finally starting to learn their shapes better. They still have a hard time listening to instructions but it's slowly getting better I think. :) Today it was raining hard core! In PE, Roy and I were yelling really loud so all the boys could hear us, and it STILL wasn't loud enough! For some reason or another, when ever I am around Roy, I start talking in a slight southern accent like him. So I told the boys to get on the white line and I apparently said it in the accent because all the boys started to say it the way I did, making fun of me! Haha! It was humorous needless to say!

I got 5 packages in the mail today! 4 from my Mom and 1 from my sister Laura and her family! I was so excited!!! Laura packed me cookie butter. COOKIE butter! Amazing!! And Nutella, and chopsticks, and oriental ramen, chopsticks, and sweet tea mix and other deliciousness! So excited! I love getting packages and letters from people! Laura wrote me a letter when I decided to become an SM and she packed it in my package. It made me cry a little bit. I miss everyone so much but I know I have so much support and love in America. Sometimes, I forget why I'm here, but I know God will show me soon enough.

Our rescue kitten, Lentil, is doing much better! He's eating, drinking, and even playing a little bit!
Love all of you! Keep me in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Hi CLarissa! I am so excited about your experience in Pohnpei. I am sure that was God's plan to be there, so He will help you and give you wisdom and patience to work with these kids. Don't worry, we struggle with the same problems here...and not only with kids, but with mature people: when we tell people to do something they don't do...Are we good enough teachers, pastors, educators? No! Only Jesus was. I promise to pray for you. Blessings. Pastor Mihail Baciu - Springfield, MA
