Saturday 7 September 2013

Hot Days and Christmas Music!

Goodness I’ve been slacking quite a bit on this whole blogging thing. Sorry guys! It’s been SO busy lately! Thursday was a longggg day. It was very hot and all my kids seemed to have a hard time listening to anything I was saying. Some kids definitely lost some recess time because they were not paying attention to directions. They seem to like my whole “Jar of Respect”. There has definitely been more sharing going on lately! I have also been getting more snacks from students during snack time lately too! Thursday night was Freshmen Welcome Party. It should have been done a couple weeks ago, but it didn’t work out until that night. There was lots of food (pretty much all meat sadly) and entertainment. A boy and a girl had to represent their class (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and SMs) for a pageant. Roy and Ellie represented us as Mr. and Ms. Hawaii! They looked fantastic and for their entrance, Roy swept Ellie up in his arms and carried her to the stage! I loved it! And he had to tell the story about how they met and he made up such a great story! I couldn’t stay long because I had too much to do.

I have a child in my class whose name is Alyanna. I know it isn’t good to have favorites, but she is definitely mine! She always pays attention, and knows the answers to everything! She is the smartest in the class and when I hand out worksheets, instead of it taking 30 minutes or more to do one like the other kids, it takes her about 5 or 10 minutes. So I have started to make her separate worksheets and she STILL doesn’t have trouble with them even though it is more advanced than what the other kids are doing. If she could read, she would definitely be in 1st grade.
Friday was such as nice day! All of us teachers need the half day. Plus I don’t see my Kindergartners for an hour or so during the day because I have to teach my Computer classes. It’s very helpful because then I can finish my kids’ folders to send home.  My kids have been having a hard time listening lately. Especially Haylee, who is usually very attentive and listening. I sent a letter home with Haylee for her mother explaining that Haylee has had a hard time listening and I just got told today what the reason was. Apparently Haylee has started swimming lessons and she has the same problem as me, and gets water stuck in her ears for a long time. So I gave her mother some of my Swim Ear to help get rid of the water.

After classes on Friday, the SM’s had to clean up the campus because we will be holding an evangelistic series here at the gym at school. An evangelist came from America and he held vespers that night and will be holding them in they gym until next Sabbath. He is a good speaker, but still, THREE weeks in a row of evangelistic meetings is a little much. The teachers are really busy grading and doing other things that we have a hard time going to the meetings. Especially since they run on island time.

Sabbath was very, very hot! It was a combined church service today and we all went to Kitti, my church! Roy and Danny came up with the name for us Kitti people, Keychains. Hahaha! The electricity didn’t go out for the first time but it was still super duper hot in there because there were so many people! We then had a “light potluck” with bread and soup and it was very delicious! Mrs. Edward made some fantastic bread! I really love my church. The people are very friendly and it keeps very nice and cool in the church because we actually have windows! My group is pretty awesome too! We had a chill afternoon, being with friends and napping and then at 7, we had our first meeting in the school gym. There were a lot of people that showed up! Then for a late dinner, we went back to Arnolds, the place we went last week. But… it was closed. And so was all the other restaurants we stopped at! So sad! So I went back to the apartment and ate some Wheat Thins. It was a good day today! We are now listening to Christmas music and talking about how we are going to make Christmas fun because it is going to be a hard time for all of us I think. I’m very sleepy and definitely ready for bed! Goodnight ya’ll!! Love all of you! (:

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