Thursday 28 November 2013

Giving Thanks-Pohnpeian Style

K and 1st joint worship!

I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving! I don’t think it feels like it because we are stuck in a summer that lasts all year round. This especially warm, Thanksgiving day was festive in the elementary school classrooms. It was a half-day and the teachers in the lower grades spent most of the day doing various Thanksgiving crafts. I did not have much time to plan because I had been working on mid term grades for my computer classes the night before. Plus I got some fantastic packages from my parents, sister, and Scott and Megan so that kept me occupied for a while. J

Ellie, Caleb, and Kim preaching at Kolonia
Right now my family is all gathered at my house in beautiful Oregon, getting ready to feast on a huge traditional Thanksgiving dinner of mashed potatoes, turkey, dinner roast, stuffing, yams, pumpkin pie, and of course, the traditional turkey shaped ice cream cake. The weather is cold enough for a sweater or jacket, and there is a fire in the wood stove, keeping our house nice and cozy.
On the other side of the world, there’s me, sweating in this ridiculous humidity and sitting in front a fan instead of a fireplace. Our dinner menu consisted of fish, turkey, potato salad, local fruit, and of course rice, which we shared with about 90 other people. The girl SMs were in charge of making dessert so we made pies, cakes, cookies, and muffins. It took all afternoon but the end results were quite delicious!

Favorite Student! :)
Even though I miss my family and I would love to be at home enjoying this holiday with them, there is no place I would rather be than right here in Pohnpei, Micronesia. I am here with some amazing people that I consider my family and I am so thankful that I get to share this special day with them. I think the thing I am most thankful for this year, is being here in Pohnpei. Even though I came here quite unwillingly, I am so thankful that God put me here. I love my children no matter how much they may frustrate each and every day, I love the people I work with, and the people and churches here are so welcoming and loving toward us. Being here made me realize how blessed I really am. I’m healthy, have loving family and friends, I go to an Adventist university, and I have everything I could ever need! God is so good! I have 6 months left here on this island. It feels like a long time but it’s been going by quickly.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you back home! I hope all of you have as blessed a day as I have had.

Now you can play your Christmas music without anyone complaining! ;)

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