Sunday 10 November 2013

Fair Fun!

I love having so many holidays! On Friday, since it was a holiday, we had a school fair. We were doing the fair to raise money for textbooks for next year. Each class did a booth and I did Candy Grams. This was always a popular booth back at my elementary school, Livingstone. Not so much here though. So I ended up just selling the candy and that made a lot more money! We made $2600 at the end of the day! Apparently they usually raise over $3,000 but it was a smaller crowd this year. :/ The fair went from 9am-2pm, but by the time we got everything cleared away, it was past 4. After people started leaving, Karyn and I went to Kim and Jen’s facepainting booth. Karyn painted Jen and I’s faces and Jen painted Karyn’s. They turned out quite fantastic! There was cotton candy, popcorn, icecream, and of course rice and chicken for sale. I was SO excited for the cotton candy and icecream! In the middle of the gym, the juniors had set up a cage "jail" where you could pay a dollar to put someone in there for 3 minutes. You could also handcuff two people together too. Karyn and I both put in money to handcuff Ellie and Roy together. :) 
We were supposed to go camping after the fair, but because of the typhoons hitting the islands around us, it was much too rainy. We never got hit by the typhoon, but Yap and Palau did. Everyone seems to be alright from what I’ve heard from those islands. I thank God that we didn’t get hit here in Pohnpei
Kim's drawing! I'm the girl in the long skirt. 

Sabbath was a good day. We didn’t have any outreach so I just relaxed and read a book that afternoon. We wanted to go out to eat that night at a place that sells fish burgers called South Park. When we got there though, they were having some type of party so we went to Arnold’s instead. I split the chicken burger with Ellie and it was DELICIOUS. I don’t know if I will eat chicken back in the States, but I’m enjoying the burgers here! J  Kim drew a great drawing on her napkin of all the people who came to the restaurant! She’s very talented. We have several people here that are quite talented in drawing!
Mud Volleyball!

Sunday was a great day for reading and sitting outside on the porch. It was a hot day so I had a fan on me and read for several hours. As it was nearing dusk, some of us went to go play volleyball in the mud. The net was still up from Friday and the field was nice and muddy from the everyday rain. We had a lot of fun slipping and sliding everywhere! We have tomorrow off because we didn’t actually get the day off on Friday. I’m really glad we have a long weekend. We can all use it!

Please keep praying for us over here. Amanda got sick with a fever on Friday and when you get the fever, you get the Hand-Foot-and Mouth disease right after. I was very fortunate to only get two sores on the bottom of my feet. People got them on their face, in their mouth, all over their feet and hands. I am very grateful that I only got the two.

Hope you all have a good week! J

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