Tuesday 5 November 2013

Cold in the Tropics

Saturday started off with a pounding headache. I wasn’t too surprised since I had gone to bed late and had gotten woken up by our annoying kitten yowling outside Jen and I’s window. We all got ready for church and Roy, Danny, Pastor Tim, and I headed out to Kitti. It was a surprisingly cold day. I mean it was still about 78 degrees but it was raining off and on outside. Getting to the church, we found that the power was out. No big deal though. It was cold enough outside we could sit comfortably in church without fans. After Sabbath school though, while we were sitting in church, the power comes back on. Some people shut the windows, turned on the fans, and turned on the air conditioning! They rarely turn the AC on and today of all days, when we were cold, they blast it! Danny, Roy and I were SO COLD! I didn’t take off my windbreaker the whole service and I was still shivering!
Loving the ocean!

Pastor Tim spoke for church but I could not focus on what he was saying at all. The sides of my head felt like they were being hit with hammers and my teeth really started to ache. Then I knew what was going on. My wisdom teeth are still coming in and they were causing my head to hurt a lot. I tried some Ibuprofen and drinking a lot of water, but nothing helped. On the way back from church, I fell asleep with my head on Danny and felt a little better when we arrived back at the school. We had about an hour before we headed out to outreach. My group again went to Palikir to have a kids program. Only 4 kids showed up which was quite sad, but we still had fun! My headache was still going and I just felt awful. I had my head on Jen’s lap most of the time. When we got back, it was time to get ready to go to ReyRey’s birthday party at Cliff’s, a local restaurant. My face was feeling kind of warm so I decided to check my temperature. 99.8. Eh, still doable.

I got ready to go, but after a few minutes, I decided that I just could not do it. I was still super cold and went and put on sweatpants, a hoodie, the fuzzy socks Orangewood Academy sent me that I thought I would NEVER use, grabbed a blanket, and my zebra. I cuddled on the couch and watched a movie with Karyn and Kim. I was FREEZING. I never thought I would say that in Pohnpei, but I was! I didn’t take any medicine because I wanted to wait until I went to bed so I could take Nyquil. My fever got up to 102 but no higher like Danny’s had gotten. Sometime during the night, my fever went away and I felt a lot better. Sunday morning however, I had a worse headache then the day before. Any bit of light made my head throb. I had never had a headache so bad before! And I get a lot of headaches! That day was uneventful for me because I just sat in my dark bedroom. It was kind of depressing but my head felt better that way. Danny came and visited me and brought me an energy drink. The caffeine made my headache go almost completely away and I was able to fall asleep quickly that night. J Where would I be without such great friends?
Jen and Karyn, some amazing girls I don't know
what I will do without next year.

We had a big brunch at Kat’s house on Monday (we were observing the Sunday holiday of Independence Day on Monday so we had the day off) with a lot of delicious food. I really like going to her house and just spending time with everybody. Other than shopping, there really wasn’t anything else going on for me. I still felt pretty bleh so I stayed inside most of the day and did some craft preparation for my kids for the next day.

Starting the school week on a Tuesday definitely threw me off. Since elementary teachers get a free lunch everyday, I give my lunch to Roy everyday. I really don’t want spaghetti everyday so I get the chicken hot lunch for him and make my own lunch at the apartment. Everyday except for Mondays he comes and picks it up from my classroom so today when he came and got his lunch I asked, “Roy, why are you getting your lunch today? You never come on Mondays.” “Uhm Clarissa, it’s Tuesday.”
Oh shoot. Well I need to remember that the rest of today! At 12, I got online to Skype my parents during my lunch break and as soon as I told my parents to get on, the power went out. AGAIN. This has happened while trying to talk to my parents several times before already! Frustrated, I sat and ate my still half frozen veggies and rice (the microwave had gotten stopped in the middle of heating my lunch) I took my time because I had a 50 minute lunch break and I got to the computer lab 5 minutes early to find everyone already there. Strange. Usually some people were late. I went into the classroom, wrote the assignment on the board and by the time I had taken a couple people’s scores down, one of the students from my next class came in. I looked at my watch. “Josh why are you so early?” Then it hit me. “IT’S TUESDAY! Class get your stuff together and go! You’re dismissed! I’ll give you all 100% today on your assignments! Why on Earth didn’t you guys tell me I was 15 minutes late for class today??” The reason I was so late for class was because every Monday I have a 50 minute lunch compared to my other days when it’s only 30 minutes and thinking it was Monday, I stayed for an extra 15 minutes in my apartment…. And my kids said nothing! So I wrote on my hand TODAY IS TUESDAY. Haven’t had trouble since. J
This man right here, such a great brother. :) 
Walking back to the apartment after class today, my skirt got so soaked it was sticking to my legs as I walked. It was POURING! Apparently we’re in the rainy season, which we are very grateful for because it brings down the humidity by a lot!  Every Tuesday, we get together at the Edwards house to have dinner together. Different people are in charge each week of the meal and our apartment took on spaghetti night. We met in our apartment because the Edwards were attending to an emergency. Danny made some fantastic garlic bread that would have made any Romanian happy. Nice and strong! ;) It’s fun getting altogether as a group once a week.

Riley is going through some serious stuff right now and I ask that you continue to pray for him! Also a friend of Karyn’s back home is going through heart surgery. Lots of prayers needed! Thank you everyone! J

(By the way the pictures I posted in this entry aren’t recent. They’re just some ones I really like!)

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