Thursday 13 February 2014

My Crazy Children.

Time has been flying by this month. At times, the days and weeks seem to drag on and on, yet at other times, the days seem to fly by. Nothing exciting has really been happening here, hence the reason for the lack of blog updates.

After the long break from school at Christmas time, my kids seem to have forgotten their manners. Everyone in the class seems to have turned into a bully of some sort whether it’s through actions or words. One of the fazes going through my class right now is giving a classmate a thumbs up. Sweet mercy if one kid gives another one a thumbs down, everything breaks loose. The tears, the angry and pouty faces, the accusing, pointing fingers, and whiny “Ms. Ceeeeee…..”  I am so grateful to have had the experience of being with my two nieces and nephew growing up so I know how to handle 4-6 year olds. Although I will never be able to understand what goes on through those little brains of theirs, I know how to handle their behavior at least.
I have all the respect for my mom who was a Kindergarten teacher in Romania, teaching over 40 kids by herself. I have a mere 13 kids in comparison and already have my hands full!

Kody with his always crazy hair.
The Junior class is putting on a Valentines banquet this weekend and all the students have been asking me: “Ms! Who are you going to banquet with??” “Just myself!” “Awh Miss why? Don’t be boring! One of the guy SMs can ask you.” It’s been fun to watch some boys ask girls to be their dates in various ways, through songs, signs, or other creative ways. Today we handed out midterm grades for the elementary and high school and a few of my high school kids asked me, “Ms, why couldn’t you have given us the midterm grades AFTER the banquet? Now a bunch of us probably can’t even go!” I had to laugh when I heard them say that. “Hey that’s your own fault sweetie! Study harder!”

Amazing how entertained kids can be with a couple
pieces of pipe cleaner!
Tonight we had mid term conferences and I had written a note home to all the parents encouraging them to come to the conferences and telling them that, “Knowing how your child is doing in class is something every parents should know.” I think this little side note guilted some of the parents because I had five sets of parents show up! The most ever! Two of the parents that came had never come before and they were the ones I really needed to talk to. Before the conferences started, Franky made us some of his famous lentils. No offense to my mom’s wonderful cooking, but Franky’s lentils are the best I’ve ever had. I ate so much I am still stuffed after several hours!

Hope you are all surviving the cold and snow over in the Northwest! I am definitely not appreciative of this ridiculously hot and humid weather over here.  

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