Friday 20 December 2013

Christmas Parades and Tikars.

 I can’t even express how happy I am to be on break! Getting my kids ready for the Christmas program, and planning the class Christmas party has worn me out! The Christmas program was very good and ran quite smoothly. My kids sang Joy to the World with pre-K and 1st grade. All Thursday afternoon, I wrapped gifts for my kids. My mom, and members of my church and high school sent me some wonderful gifts! I spoiled my kids a lot with how many gifts they got! On Wednesday, I told them that if they could say their memory verse, they could pick a stuffed animal. They were SO excited! They loved them so much some even brought them upstage when we went to perform our song.

Some of the vehicles for our parade
Friday morning, the long awaited day, finally arrived. I only had one kid, (my favorite student who is only 4) until 8:45! So we spent time in the 2nd grade room until more kids came. I had to send one of my boys home because his mom brought him to school with some major pink eye. I felt bad since it was the Christmas party but it’s really not a good idea to bring your kid to school with something so contagious! She brought him to school with a high fever before too because he really wanted to come. The kids were crazy and hyper from so much sugar and excitement but it was fun! I received 2 beautiful Pohnpeian skirts from two of my students! I now own 4 of them!

After school, a bunch of high schoolers got into some trucks and cars and we went around town throwing candy to people on the sides of the road. They had a microphone and amplifier in one of the trucks and with all the ruckus we were making people could hear us far ahead of time coming down the roads. It was a lot of fun!

Danny’s 7th graders, who I teach Romanian to once a week were quite disappointed when I could not teach them this last week. So they made me something in class using my last name (Using their spelling):
Oh too lovely
Top best lady girl
National teacher
Important to the students
Not available
Short hare     
Unlikely to be bad

Not available and unlikely to be bad are probably my favorites because they just crack me up!
My favorite student Summer, was sitting on my lap during recess one day and I asked her what she wanted for Christmas.
“A tikar.”
“A what?”
“A tikar!”
“Do you mean a guitar?”
Staff Christmas party! Love these girls. :)
She puts her hands on her hips and nods with a cute smirk on her face. Goodness I love her! She just brightens up my day everyday! During our dress rehersal with all the kids from pre-k to 8th in the gym, we had to keep our young kids quietly entertained. Karyn had Jen had given each of us teachers a pipe cleaner and we made headset “mics” out of them and the kids loved them! So when we gave them each a pipe cleaner to keep busy, they of course all made headsets like us. Sometime in the chaos of recess, Summer lost her headset and came crying to me. I gave her mine and she happily went on her way again.

I can’t believe I’ve been here for almost 5 months already! This year is going by SO fast! I love being here so much, yet sometimes, I wish I were at home. I’m sure there will be tears at Christmas time for me but I’ve been getting a lot of love from friends and family back home, which has been amazing!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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