Monday 7 October 2013


I simply love days off of school! Friday was the elementary picnic day. All the classes went out to go swimming in different locations, while Amanda’s 1st grade class and my Kindergarten class stayed at school. Probably a good thing though, because I don’t think I’d like looking out for little 4 and 5 year olds in water! Amanda and I used my classroom to play in until everyone got there. We pushed aside all the desks and just played around the room, coloring, and bouncing balls around. We waited... and waited… and waited and there were still only 6 kids to show up! In the end we had 11 but it was a sad turn out! We had fun anyway though! We played, went on a bus ride with all the kids, and when we came back, I went to teach my high school classes. The boys in PE were horrified that I decided to make a test on the rules of volleyball for their final. I made them a study guide and everything and STILL got a whole bunch of complaints! It’s not going to be hard though. I went to go check in on Riley after school and he was running out the door to get to the airport on time. Nobody had time to say goodbye to him which was really sad, so 20 minutes after Riley left with Mr. Johnson, Franky told us that we were heading to the airport. So a bunch of us headed out to the airport to find that Riley… was not there. He had already gone through security and was waiting for the plane to board. Franky, being the awesome man he is, stuck his head into the closed door and talked to the security people and talked them into bringing Riley back out to give us all a hug goodbye. It was sad to see him go, but hopefully he’ll get better soon so he can come back and teach again!
Group for the picnic!
Since communion didn’t happen last week, they were having a Friday service at the Kitti church. So Jen, Tony, Amanda, Roy, Danny, and I went with the Edwards to the church and had communion. Us SMs didn’t get the memo that people wear white or light colors for the occasion so we stuck out like a sore thumb. I was in a bright pink shirt, Jen green, and Amanda in bright yellow. It was a good service, although it was all in Pohnpeian and we had no idea what was happening during the bread and juice part. Franky realized that and elbowed his brother, the new pastor of the churches, to translate what we were doing. I did my foot washing with Jen and we used the rain water that was pouring outside. It was definitely not what I was used to back home! Cold water instead of hot was kind of weird!

Sabbath was a hot day! The Kolonia church was doing communion so those who went last night to the Kitti church went back there since they were having regular service. I love the Kitti church because it has actual windows and it keeps all the cool air from the fans in! I love it! Franky preached in all Pohnpeian and decided that the SMs needed a summary. So the summary lasted for 30 minutes and it was well past 1 when we headed back for the school. We didn’t have any outreach or anything going on that afternoon so I just sat on the porch with some other girls and watched the rain fall, sipped a hot drink, wrote letters, and Skyped Scott, Megan, and Sam. It was a lovely afternoon! After the Sabbath drew to a close, I decided that I really wanted to bake some chocolate chip cookies! So that is what I did and quite frankly, they were delicious! Some of the boys came over and we all ate cookies that Kim and I made and sang songs about America and just had a great time! Some of us went to gym night and played some volleyball and basketball. After we all showered, all the girls got together and watched Mean Girls. Super funny! That day was the best day I’ve had in a long time. J I love all these people here!

Sunday was a chill day. Danny, Tony, Jen, and I got together and had a brunch with pancakes and eggs. I then helped Danny do some grading. I really didn’t do very much I don’t think, but hey I tried! I also took a much needed nap. I don’t usually do naps because I always feel more tired when I wake up, but I think this one actually did me some good.  
Salad and sandwiches! Yay!!!
Monday was well…. A Monday. I was tired, and of course, the kids weren’t listening very well. The highlights of my day was definitely playing volleyball and eating A SALAD. At Ace they had some wilted lettuce left and of course, I took some! Jen and I made salads and amazing sandwiches today for dinner. SO GOOD! Needless to say, we were very excited! After that, we went to play volleyball with the other SMs. We got super duper sweaty but had a lot of fun! After about 40 minutes, Kat came by with some people from PUC who are teaching English at the public school. They are staying till Christmas I think! They seem really nice and played volleyball with us for a while! I’m pretty rusty and I know I’m going to be really sore tomorrow!
Please keep praying for Riley as he’s getting tests done either tomorrow or the day after!

Hope everything is going well back home! J Miss all of you!

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