Sunday 30 March 2014

Becoming a Child

Children baffle me.

They always have! I have been an auntie since the 3rd grade and watching my little nieces and nephew grow up has been a big help to me as a Kindergarten teacher. However, having a class of 13 little hooligans between the ages 4 and 6 is a totally different story. I have found that kids are very honest. For example:

Max: “Yuree that drawing looks terrible!”
Me: “Max! Is that a very nice thing to say? How would you like it if Yuree told you that YOUR drawing looks terrible?”
Max: “I wouldn’t like it…”
Silly little Filipinos :)
Me: “Alright well then you should apologize to Yuree. Do to others are you would have them do to you.”

I have also found that children are also very random.
For example, during math class, I am answering questions that the kids have on their math worksheet. Kody raises his hand for me to come help him and I go over to his desk.

“Yes Kody? What is your question?”
“I have a new puppy at home.”
“Kody, that’s not a question, and you should be doing your worksheet!”

He laughs and turns back to his paper.

Another thing that I have realized, is that my kids can get excited about anything, as long as I say it with a happy face and voice, and wave my hands up in the air.

“It’s time for math class! Yayy!”

It’s pretty amusing to see the looks on their faces when they realize what is actually happening.  J

One of my favorite things to do with my class, is tell them their worship story. Their eyes are full of wonder and questions as I tell the story of David facing the giant Goliath, Daniel getting thrown into the lion’s den for praying to God, the miracles of Jesus, and how Jesus died on the cross for us. I often times get interrupted by a question from one of them. “Why would they do that? Did he really have 12 baskets left over? How big were the baskets? How tall was Goliath?” I hope and pray that what I teach these kids will stick in their brains. I definitely know that the worship songs are. During recess on Thursday I watched all my kids join hands and attempt to run around in a circle singing “This little light of mine”. Going around in a circle didn’t really work, but I loved hearing them all sing. J

No matter how bad my day is, there is always a kid or two that knows how to make me laugh. Summer is always early for class, and on Friday, I saw her near my classroom and I quickly unlocked it and “held the door closed” so she couldn’t get in. She pushed the door open with little effort and gave me a smirk.

“Summer! You opened that door so quickly! You’re strong!”
“Yeah, that’s because I eat my vegetables! Maybe you should eat your vegetables Ms. C.”

Or my quiet, little EJ. He loves to try and sneak up on me randomly and mimic me in his little high pitched voice. If I say, “Hey! What do you think you’re doing??” He says the same thing right back to me in his little voice and attitude. I’ll pretend to make a grab at him and he runs away giggling and smiling. Reading through Matthew, I came upon these verses:
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”  He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 
Matthew 18:1-4

Yuree's everyday grumpy face and sassy Starla. 
I think a trait that we have as children and tend to lose over time, is trust. People lie to us, relationships break apart, etc. Children however, have so much trust. They will love and trust someone so quickly, with no judgment. I often times need to remind myself to trust God with all my heart. It can be so hard to not take things into my own hands, but I am really working on letting God take my life, and lead me to where I am supposed to go. I need to learn to trust God as a child.

I am once again battling a sickness. I am on day 32 of my coughing fits. I am not really sure what is wrong with me anymore since I had a fever and headache last night. Please keep praying for all of the SM’s health and our work as we finish up our last two months here in Pohnpei. 

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