Wednesday 7 May 2014

Almost Done!

A few days after arriving on Pohnpei, I got a countdown app on my computer, telling me how many days were left until I went back home to America. I started out with a little over 300 days, and now I am down to a measly 21. 21! I can hardly believe it. These past 9 ½ months have passed me by in a blink of an eye.

I can’t say that the whole year has passed by quickly. There were days or weeks where I felt like there was no end in sight. But, other times I would find myself sitting in class on Friday in my red polo, wondering how it was already the end of the school week.  

A year and a half ago, if someone had told me that I was going to be a teacher in Micronesia for a year, I would have probably laughed at them. I decided to not be an elementary education major for a reason. I don’t like teaching! Also, Micronesia? I don’t like heat, much less 70%+ humidity every day for 10 months. And yet, here I am: Teaching Kindergarten and high school, and having one of the best years of my life. (I’m still not going to switch to elementary education though.)
Now with only 21 days left on this beautiful island, I have the most conflicted feelings. On one hand, I can’t wait to get back the good ‘ol USA, and on the hand, I can’t bear the thought of leaving this island. I only have 5 more days of Kindergarten before their graduation! I have been trying to savor every moment I have left with my little ones. Although sometimes they make it really hard for me to think about missing them when they run around the classroom screaming their heads off…

Then, there are my crazy high schoolers that seem to complain about most everything. One day there was a boy who was complaining about doing an assignment and says to me, “Awh Miiiissssss. Do we have to?” “Don’t you awh Miss me!” I reply back to him. “But Miss, we ARE going to miss you…” Nearly broke my heart! Each one of my students are different in their own special ways. I’m going to miss each and every one of them for many different reasons. No matter how foul of a mood I might be in, they always find some way to make me laugh!

Even though events don’t seem to go according to your plan, God knows what He’s doing. So don’t forget to trust Him! Don’t worry if things don’t go your way. God’s way is best! It’s hard for me to just give it all up to Him, but with His help, I can.
See you in 21 days America!

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11